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Membership transfer form

Click here: https://gymplius.lt/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Abonemento-perleidimo-sutartis.docx

Complete the form with the person taking over the contract and send it to: info@gymplius.lt

Membership transfer

How to transfer membership to someone else?

All Gym+ memberships can be transferred to another person for FREE once.

Find the person who wants to transfer your membership, fill in the transfer form and email us at info@gymplius.lt

Membership transfer

Transfer. When can I start exercising?

You can only start exercising after you have received confirmation of a successful membership transfer.

Confirmation will be sent by the customer service team: info@gymplius.lt

Membership transfer

What are the conditions for membership transfer?

All invoices must be paid before the membership can be reissued.

Memberships with applied Gym+ partner discounts are not eligible for overwriting.

Membership transfer