Looking for a quick answer?

How many times can I use the solarium?

You can use the solarium without limit*, but there must be a 48-hour break between tanning sessions.

The number of tanning sessions in the Solarium must not exceed 2 (two) times per week.

 The maximum tanning time is 15 minutes.

* in accordance with the established Lithuanian Hygienic Standard HN 71:2009 “Solariums. Health Safety Requirements”, Annex 1.

How do I activate solarium membership?

Purchase a membership with a solarium:

Come to the sports club.

You will find a tablet near the solarium cabins.

Arrange your preferred session time (taking into account the recommendations for your skin type).

Attach your access card or finger code to the scanner.

You will be informed of the successful activation by a message on the screen.  5 minutes for changing, if you want to start your session earlier, press the “Start” button in the tanning booth.

Rules for using the solarium

When sunbathing in a solarium, the skin on your body and face must be clean.

Cosmetic products that protect against the sun’s natural rays must not be used in the solarium.

Protective goggles must be worn.

You must not sunbathe the same day after sunbathing in the solarium.

It is recommended to cover hair, scars and tattooed areas of the body when sunbathing.

Who can use the solarium?

The solarium is open to people aged 18 and over who have purchased a membership with solarium service.
